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Q&A (8)

Kilhwan Choi
Aug 05, 2024

Tips for Using the "Generate Facial Data File"

YanusLIVE v1.2.5

It is recommended to check the following three parameter settings under the Settings > Experimental tab:

  • butterworth_cutoff: 5

  • process_csv: IMAGE

  • filter_type_csv: BUTTERWORTH

These are the default settings.

To verify while playing the video file, similar to setting up the CSV file generation:

  1. Go to Settings > Live and select process_file as IMAGE.

  2. Under Settings > Experimental, set filter_type_live to BUTTERWORTH.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Restart the Actor mode by stopping and then playing again to apply the changes to process_file.

  5. Changes to filter_type_live and butterworth_cutoff will be applied immediately if you click Apply during playback.

For faster response times, it is recommended to set the Cutoff Frequency to 9.

If there is a lot of noise, a setting of 5 is recommended.

By following these tips, you can ensure optimal performance and accuracy when generating facial data files.


Kilhwan Choi
Aug 05, 2024

"Generate Facial Data File" Window Not Appearing Issue

YanusLIVE v1.2.5

If the paths to the video and Actor Profile files contain non-English characters or spaces, this issue may occur. Additionally, there have been cases where this issue occurred while using the OBS program simultaneously. The path of the YanusLIVE program itself also needs to be checked.

This is because the path of default_actor_profile.json follows the execution path of YanusLIVE.

Simpler paths such as the following are recommended: Here are examples of the paths:



D:/YanusSTUDIO/YanusLIVE/YanusLIVE_v1.2.5 Examples of paths to avoid

  • User directories (e.g., C:/Users/Username/)

  • Program Files (e.g., C:/Program Files/)

  • OneDrive directories (e.g., C:/Users/Username/OneDrive/)


드미트리 강
드미트리 강
Aug 05, 2024

YanusFACE Dual Panel Issue

After a successful installation and launch of YanusFACE, clicking on the Dual Panel

or the Edit button does not display the additional editing panel.

Solution 1: Check the list of panels. If there is already a panel named YanusFace,

delete it and restart the application. If this does not resolve the issue upon restart, refer to Solution 2.

Solution 2: Manually create a panel named YanusFace and set it up correctly.

  1. Create the panel.

  2. Enable the YanusFace panel and move the camera to the created Bakes.

Aug 05, 2024
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Aug 05, 2024
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드미트리 강
드미트리 강
Aug 05, 2024

YanusFACE MetaHUMAN BlendShape Generation

To correctly generate BlendShapes for MetaHUMAN templates, you need to adjust the Preferences settings in YanusFACE according to the current scene and objects in it.


  1. Launch YanusFACE and Import the MetaHUMAN Project

    • Open YanusFACE and import your MetaHUMAN project.

  2. Set Preferences

    • Navigate to File -> Set Preferences.

    • Correctly specify the objects in the scene:

      • Select the main Mesh, i.e., the face skin.

      • Select the main group.

      • Select the group containing Rig controllers.

  3. Specify Controller Suffix and Prefix

    • By default, the suffix and prefix for controllers in MetaHuman templates are FRM_ and CTRL_.

  4. Apply Preferences and Generate BlendShapes

    • After setting everything correctly, click Apply.

    • Go to the BlendShapes menu and select BlendShapes from Bone.

    • Click the Generate button.

If everything is set up correctly, BlendShapes will be generated based on the dependencies in the scene after some time.

  1. Modify the Main Mesh

    • For convenient modification, use the Create Modification button to change and refine the main Mesh model.

Aug 05, 2024
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When converting a metahuman, make sure you have a DNA file. Also, make sure the GUI and bones are moving.

메타휴먼을 컨버팅할 시에는 dna파일이 있는지 꼭 확인하셔요. 그리고 GUI와 Bone이 움직이는 것을 확인하셔요.


Aug 05, 2024
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If you press the Reset button in Set preferences, the metahuman structure will be automatically organized and entered. And be sure to press the Generate button in BlendShapes from Bone.

Set preferences 에서 Reset버튼을 누르면 자동으로 메타휴먼의 구조가 정리되어 입력됩니다. 그리고 꼭 BlendShapes from Bone 의 Generate버튼을 눌러주셔요.

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